Citizenship Approved for Client Suspected of Terrorist Ties
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Our client, a citizen of Pakistan, retained us to file his citizenship application. As the financial director of a religious organization, he had close to 100 arrivals and departures from the U.S. in connection with his work for the organization.
After the application had been pending for one year, he was finally interviewed, and Attorney Noaman attended this interview with our client. The interview was videotaped, lasted approximately 3-4 hours, and the questions were prepared by a higher-ranking executive in the State Department. Many of the questions centered on the client’s knowledge of any terrorists, terrorist related activities, his financial work for the organization, his involvement with their funds and where the funds went. One year later, our client was scheduled for a second interview, and Attorney Nick attended this interview. This interview was also videotaped, and the questions centered around whether our client had connections with Hamas in Gaza or the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt.
Our client was very patient throughout both interviews, answered honestly, and shortly after the second interview, the citizenship application was finally approved.